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Together with you, we are looking for creative ideas and helpful solutions to make the city of Graz even more livable for everyone.

What do you need to make you feel even more comfortable here? 
Here you can help shape the quality of life in your city!

Share your suggestions on topics like:

  • Housing & Social Affairs
  • Traffic & Environment
  • Cohabitation 
  • Arts & Culture 
    Child education & care
  • Empowerment & Participation
Supports are subject to the following rules:

  • You can support up to 5 proposals.

65 proposals

Welcome Center and multilingual information
Affordable German Courses
Improving the cycling network
Koha Kitchen - International Community café in Gries
Informing Austrians on the benefits on migration
Professional Street Art in Gries
Car-free Sunday with free public transport
Promoting events and exchanges in settlements and communities
Free German Examinations
Campaigns for Miteinander
Living with the Mur
Wellbeing garden in Gries - close to Rösselmühlgasse
Interpreter pools for doctor visits
Making authorities and regulatory bodies multilingual, more accessible and more sensitive
Inclusion rather than integration policy
Affordable housing in better condition
Car-free Graz
More greenery around the train station
More green spaces
Onboarding system and buddy system for qualified people with a migration background in the care sector
solar panels on public buildings
Abolish direct mail, advertising
Horticulture, DIY and nutrition in schools
More information on the healthcare system
Affordable, inclusive living
Interactive rubbish bins in Gries
Green Parking in the City
Bike-friendly and foot-friendly traffic lights
More events and meetings in parks
Prohibition of leaf blowers and vacuums
Emergency telephones in/near parking facilities
Encouraging children's curiosity
Room (distribution)
Access to art and culture for everyone!
Matching skill set and experience to appropiate jobs
equal educational opportunities for all
Free tutoring
Places for meetings and culture in Gries and Lend
Longer Visa status for migrants
Mobile shower bus for homeless people
Safe space for addicts
Supervised consumption-free rooms
Inclusive traffic planning
Bringing art to people!
more road safety for children!
Social Counseling Center of the City of Graz
“Kunst Graz” - Uniform platform for advertising and networking for artists and cultural events
Fair conditions for artists
A bike challenge for Graz
More free leisure activities
Legal advice for migrant associations
A joint international procession of all people living in Graz on the national holiday
Fathers' exchange meeting
Graz Cycling Day
Drinking fountain in/near the brewery district
Free sports activities for women
New crossing sign
Extension of transitional periods for municipal housing
Culture of social rather than a culture of prohibition
More money for education
Blade Night, skating for everyone
Garbage collection campaign
Access to housing and work
May Graz become independent from Styria
See all withdrawn proposals


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